

初二下 时间:2010-12-15


篇一:[地理的英文]  地理初二下册英语同步练习试题

  1.关于实验过程,叙述正确的是 ( )
  A.摆放地球仪时,北极指向北方 B.自东向西拨动地球仪
  C.此时,光线直射赤道 D.灯光能照亮地球的大部分
  2.此实验能较好地演示 ( )
  A.昼夜交替 B.四季变化
  C.五带的形成 D.影子长短的变化
  3.拨动时还可以发现世界海陆分布的规律是 ( )
  A.七分陆地三分海洋 B.北半球陆地面积大于海洋面积
  C.北极周围是一片海洋 D.东半球陆地面积大于海洋面积
  4.图中①出的海拔大约在________米以上( )
  A.600米 B.650米
  C.700米 D.750米
  5.图中公路的走向是 ( ) ( )
  A.南北走向 B.东西走向
  C.东北—西南走向 D.西北—东南走向
  了解自然环境 自然环境是由地形、气候、水文等自然要素相互联系、相互制约形成的。读世界部分区域年内各月气温与降水量图,完成6~7题。
  6.属于热带雨林气候的是 ( )
  A.① B.②
  C.③ D.④
  7.该气候类型主要分布在 ( )
  A.赤道附近 B.南北回归线附近
  C.中纬度内陆地区 D.中纬度沿海地区
  分析区域特征 不同尺度的区域在自然因素和人文因素综合影响下,逐步形成了各自独特的区域特征。读不同尺度区域轮廓图,完成8~10题。
  8.图示各区域地理位置的叙述,正确的是 ( )
  A.①是跨经度最广的大洲 B.②是海陆兼备的国家
  C.③热带面积广大 D.④赤道穿过中部
  9.关于上述区域地理特征的描述,正确的是 ( )
  A.①地势中部高四周低 B.②矿产资源丰富
  C.③发达国家众多 D.④工矿业是该国的主导产业
  10.关于世界区域自然地理特征叙述正确的是 ( )
  A.中南半岛山河相间,纵列分布 B.印度热带草原气候分布广
  C.欧洲西部高原面积广大 D.巴西水资源贫乏
  11.造成图中穿衣分布差异的主要原因是( )
  A.纬度差异 B.地势高低
  C.海陆位置 D.风俗习惯
  12.此时,山东邹城的降温幅度达到( ) ( )
  A.4-8℃ B.8-12℃
  C.12-16℃ D.16℃以上
  13.该区域发展经济的有利条件,说法不正确的是 ( )
  A.水能资源丰富 B.海陆交通便利
  C.矿产资源丰富 D.科技力量雄厚
  14.关于本地区经济的叙述,正确的是 ( )
  15.小华在暑假游记中写道:那天我终于看到了“美丽的草原我的家,风吹草低遍地花,牛羊好似珍珠撒,蒙古包就像白莲花”的美景。这让我想起了家乡的另一番景象:一年四季绿树长青,水田稻花正飘香。该游记描述的两个地区分别是 ( )
  A.西北地区、南方地区 B.南方地区、青藏地区
  C.北方地区 南方地区 D.西北地区、青藏地区
  16.关于济宁市人口的说法不正确的是 ( )
  17、济宁市的济宁、邹城、曲阜、兖州、四座城市相互毗邻,呈现“组群式”特征,下列关于四个城市的说法,错误的是 ( )
  A济宁是全市的政治、经济中心 B曲阜旅游地位突出
  C兖州交通便利,是鲁西南最大的交通枢纽 D济宁、邹城都已达到大城市的规模
  18.鲁西南最大的客货集散地和客运中转站是 ( )
  A.兖州市 B.市中区
  C.邹城市 D.曲阜市
  19.下列关于济宁市气候特征的说法,错误的是 ( )
  A.降水量的分布由东南向西北递减 B.气候四季分明、雨热同期
  C.最为突出的气候灾害是洪涝和干旱 D.夏季盛行偏北风,冬季盛行偏南风
  20.下列有关济宁市土地资源的说法,正确的是 ( )
  ①土地面积较小,人均占有量却大 ②地形复杂,有利于农业多种经营
  ③土壤类型多样,水土流失严重 ④土地开发利用率较低,后备土地资源充足
  A.①② B.②③
  C.③④ D.①④


  1. But the model entirely ignores the paramount subloop of a world: geography.
  2. Third, it seems that for next year, both of the biology and geography will be comprised into the high school entrance testing subjects.
  3. And the second class is geography Mr. luo also talk about the exam parper for us.
  4. In consideration of status of the traditional fishing rights in the exclusive economic zone system, when delimitates the maritime boundaries with relevant states in east China sea and yellow sea, China should stress the following main factors in order to strive for gains as much as possible, such as geology, geography, length of coastal line, reasonable reservation of fishery resources, equal exploitation to fishery resources, especially stress economic impacts on China.
  5. The geography department"s two classes grew me relate this question to between the environment and the economy the interest: Developing country protection and environmental effect analysis.
  6. This thesis focuses on the studies of regional environment planning for sustainable development under the guiding of environmental geography.
  7. The first book introducing geography exploration and discovery in China.
  8. Among so many geography datum frameworks, map projection is the only one which can directly incarnate in visualization.
  1. Many of the volunteer programs that the chemistry major initiated are still running including one that has reached out far beyond the campus grounds.
  2. Since October 2002, it has worked with Korea Academy of Research in Chemistry to develop the catalyzer.
  3. The pair play husband and wife in the adaptation of John Grogan"s memoir, and sources say there is growing chemistry between them off screen.
  4. Xu is " the father of Chinese rare earth chemistry ", the Xinhua News Agency said.
  5. In a society that is now morally wide open and full of pressure and temptations, constant separation will harm the chemistry between spouses.
  6. Also attending the contest is last year"s female champion Juliet Lee, a former chemistry professor in China who now owns a salon in Maryland.
  7. The announcement ended years of speculation about China"s most romantic sporting couple, whose chemistry on and off the ice has fascinated Chinese fans.
  8. The group members have all excelled individually in different musical fields and this has helped them develop a particular musical chemistry.
  9. Police say a dozen students and a teacher have been injured by an explosion in a high school chemistry class in central Germany.
  10. This is the application of science to the art of cooking, and involves playing with physics and chemistry as much as with a wok and pan.
  1. I realize that a lot of man wholly adjust China very curiously, Reason that probably is for Chinese history age-old, I to Canada also very curiously, For what I can tell, There are a lot of China returneds students in Canada.
  2. Gypsy"s Score may be the most deceptive in the history of Broadway.
  3. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.
  4. Apart from the inter consorts and imperial clansmen, the entourages were about 100, 000(some said 200, 000) people such as artisans, medical officers, musicians, prostitutes, the chamberlain and so on, which is the largest immigration in the history of Northern Song dynasty.
  5. According to the new subject idea and its special circumstances, the article which combines the new evaluation idea of senior history with the teaching method in the western mountains area in Shijiazhuang, puts forward a new idea about the school work evaluation devolepment of senior history, and offers a refrence for the teachers who are working in the local areas and those who are working in the less developed areas.


  Chinese class;
  上一堂语文课have a Chinese lesson;
  初中语文课middle school chinese curriculum;
  I only listen to language programs.
  Perhaps the way Princeton conducts its second language programme might be instructive for our situation in Singapore.
  comparative philology
  Which do you prefer, maths or Chinese?
  These examples show how differences in culture exist among and within languages.
  Two letters of recommendation: at least one recommendation must be from a Chinese instructor.
  For the students already learning partial Chinese language, teaching is provided in compliance with teaching handout.
  However, the Language Center provides partial contribution in this regard.
  On Monday we have Chinese, math, English and P.E. class.
  My Chinese teacher is very kind to every one of us.To her,we are like her children. She works very hard.And she is very good at teaching.In her class,we are always very happy because we can learn knowledge and play games at the same time.After class,she isn"t only our teacher,but also our friend.She help us solve some problems.
  I taught a lot of language teachers, including teachers Shaw in my mind the most impressive.

