

名人故事 时间:2010-03-16



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      延伸阅读:观看了师德演讲比赛视频 心得体会
  观看了师德演讲比赛视频。听了几位老师的师德演讲,聆听着老师们一个个动人的教学故事,感受着老师们一句句感人肺腑之言,我的内心久久不能平静。这次的师德演讲,让我更进一步的加深了对自己职业的爱,让我真正感受到了幸福的所在。 平凡之中见伟大,简朴之中见激情。老师们用自己的真实故事和独特感悟,阐述了高尚师德的丰富内涵,让我们对教育对师德的总结可以归纳为一个字:爱!“没有爱就没有教育”、“爱的教育感染着我”、“师爱是师德的灵魂”、“用心爱每一个孩子”,类似于这样的字眼贯穿在每位教师的演讲中。老师们对教育事业无怨无悔的责任感和奉献精神,对孩子们真诚无私的爱,让我感动之余也受到了莫大鼓舞。我深信:教育要想成功,教师就必须倾注全部的爱。
  要知道怎么样做到这样的愉快轻松,跟小朋友一起成长,我们今天有大概两个小时的讲座。在这两个小时之前我请大家先看一段录影带,这是六年前的带子。(录像片)前几个礼拜我们播送一代新儒学大师牟宗三专题,对牟先生一生为中国文化的贡献深感佩服,牟先生有感于中国文化对现在社会转向该是一贴良方,但是如何落实呢?现在他的嫡传弟子王财贵就正在推动一项文化运动,从根救起我们未来的主人翁,这个方法不但可以使小朋友成绩进步,还可以开发增进儿童折智慧培养他们健全的人格,这是一种什么方法呢?请看记者胡春玉和肖瑞华的报道这里是台北市中正国小四年级二班的小朋友,他们每天在早自习也都是在读诵四书,而这里是复兴街的一个社区妈妈家里,小朋友下课后聚在一起也是在读老子、壮子、论语、唐诗,这些一般人认为深奥难懂的中国经典,小朋友不但朗朗上口,有的甚至能背整本老子半论语了,全省目前初步估计大概有五千个小朋友正在接受读经训练,这些小朋友经过一年半到两年的读经教育,不但国语能长期进步,有的竟然也从经典中学到做人处事的道理,令许多家长及老师又惊又喜 依照国际礼节看完了要鼓掌,这个片子是六年前拍的,所以刚才说现在全台湾省有五千个小朋友读经那是我推广读经以后的两年从多少人开始推广读经呢就是从一个开始的一个到十个十个到一百个到一千个到五千个,后来三年就到五万个四年五年以后就是五十万个,现在已经推广七年多了现在只有台湾一座小岛,就有一百多万个小朋友在接受这种教育,东南亚从香港澳门新加坡马来西亚印尼,乃至于越南、泰国、缅甸,凡是有华侨的地方就有人在读经,美国、加拿大、阿根廷、墨西哥、澳洲、纽西兰,乃至于美国、卢森堡等等或许我没有听过的地方,只要有中国人都有人开始在接受这种教育。我们大陆祖国是我们的希望所在,是我们的文化根本所在我们这里不做谁来做呢?我们这里不做得更好谁来观瞻谁来效彷呢?所以在大陆也有超过三百万个小朋友分散在各个地方在读经。 如果现在还不知道这种教育的人,你一定要开始知道,各位来自四面八方,我也希望从今天以后,大家能够回到各位的家乡,回到各位的省份,去告诉大家有这样子的教育,而让大家接受这种教育。 刚才说过,不是要老师更辛苦,不是要小朋友更多的功课负担,不是要家长更加认真指导孩子,不是的。我前两年要到大陆来,经过香港去见南怀瑾先生,南怀瑾先生就说了那样一句话,他说:现在天下父母以及所有老师都在做一件事,我想:到底做什么事呢?他说:都在残害我们的幼苗!当然这一句话,在一个作为老师的人听起来是不很愉快,其实大家不要不愉快,因为我也是老师,我教过小学,我教过初中,我教过高中,现在在教大学,我也是老师,我也要 对这句话作痛切的反省,乃至于我们每个人自己,这一辈子就是这样子而让我们没有更好的成就,在大陆这个地方我不知道,至少在台湾是如此。 为什么会这样子呢,因为台湾的教育是学美国,而且完全学美国,几十年来的学美国,我们中国的东西统统忘记了,忘记中国东西并不见得、并不直接的就是不对的,我不是一个民族感情主义者,所以我不是说,我是中国人,所以我要复兴中国文化。我们复兴中国文化不只因为我是中国人,乃是因为我们这个文化是有意义的。我重新在检讨我们中国的教育的理论,并不是因为我是在中国,所以我非把中国教育理论再拿出来不可,不是的,而是因为这种教育理论它是有真理在其中的,所以如果我们文化是有意义的,纵使我是美国人我也要来复兴中国文化,纵使我是外星人,我也要尊重中国文化。 我们是一个读书人,是一个知识分子,我们凭知识分子的诚意,我们凭知识分子的良知来说这一件事情,所以今天所讲的话超出任何的宗教,超出任何的民族意识,超出任何的政治立场,所以我们今天大家都是学这一行的,我们好好来检讨一下,我们一辈子费了这么多心血,我们家长是这么样的期待孩子,我们老师是怎么样的热心用心,尤其各位能 够到这来参加这个研习会,都是百里挑一的,我们付出这么大,难道孩子是这么难教吗?
  难道人才是这么难培养吗?我们为什么不停下脚步想一想? 我今天要贡献给各位,就是重新来检讨一下我们的教育的理论。我刚才说过大陆的情况我不是很了解,所以以下所说,都是我在台湾的经验,如果有批评到我们教育界的地方,我是在批评台湾教育界,不干大陆的事,但是如果大陆也类似有这样的情况,我们也可以反省反省,反正我们是以一个真诚的心来计论这件事情。 我们有哪些地方要反省呢,首先从最大最深的最高远的一方面来讲,就是有关于文化的心态,我且讲一个故事,讲一件事情来做比喻,你看过侏儒吗?侏儒是长不大的孩子,长不大的这个人大部分都是天生的,就是天生侏儒症,有了天生侏儒症的这个孩子,不管生在皇宫贵族之家,给他多少营养他总是长不大,本来一个人按照正常的营养的供应,一个人都有长大的潜能,所以只要好好养他,很轻松的养他,这个孩子就是自然会长高,但是患了天生侏儒症就养不大了,所以这种天生的侏儒症,我们看到我们会觉得很同情,他的父母亲也是很可怜的。不过我后来看到一个报道说,这个侏儒不一定是天生的,所以有人造的侏儒。为什么要人造侏儒篇四:儿童故事演讲比赛 儿童故事演讲比赛目的:为了从小培养幼儿活泼开朗、自信大方、激发其丰富的表现欲,提高幼儿对语言的感受能力、表达能力,提高幼儿的综合素质,青浦图书馆和圆梦读书俱乐部将联合举办“儿童故事演讲比赛”。旨在以活动促阅读,以阅读促活动,增强幼儿讲故事的兴趣,提高家长对儿童阅读的关注。
  2、2013年1月13日(周日)报名截止并将故事名称上报给袁梦妈妈处。 3、1月27日(周日)9:00——11:00 比赛
  4、仪表形象:1分 (着装得体,仪表整洁)
  另招募志愿者:评委 5名(请老师们积极报名)维持秩序志愿者5名
  场地布置志愿者 2名
  为了激发教科院广大同学对儿童故事的热爱,提高同学对儿童故事口语的兴趣,营造一个良好学习氛围,为更多的同学提供一个尽情挥洒创意,展现儿童故事风采的舞台,我部在得到老师和同学的支持下,于本月举行了儿童故事演讲比赛,此次比赛主要针对大一大二的学生。大学生参加的积极性很高,报名人数多,在我系大一学生中有一定的影响力,给大一的同学们提供了更多的表现机会。在比赛初期,文艺部各干事在各班进行宣传,鼓励各班的同学积极报名,由于近期活动较多没有进行初赛,共16个节目,决赛于4月10日14:00在3教112教室正式拉开帷幕 决赛荣幸地邀请了教科院各部部长及学生会副书记作为本次演讲比赛的评委,并且由大一口才突出的杨静、杨阳两名同学作为本次比赛的主持人。 对此次决赛之前,我部各班干事到各班进行宣传组织各班学生到赛场进行观看,以扩大演讲比赛的影响力。在正式比赛之前为体现“公平”原则,组织各参赛选手进行抽签,已决定各选手上场顺序,比赛过程中,每两名选手进行一次统分及报分,以体现比赛的“公开”性。决赛结束后,各评委对选手的表现进行了点评,只出了个选手在比赛过程中的不足和缺点,提出对同学们的期望,以及对同学们的鼓励,经过评委的评比打分,最终角逐出:一等奖1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,优秀奖10名。 此次演讲比赛诣在提高规范同学们的口语、故事演讲中不同角色音调的转变、体态语,与此同时,也锻炼了同学们的儿童故事表述能力,使同学们积累了演讲比赛的经验,通过这次比赛,不仅仅让同学们发挥了自己的潜能,向所有人展示了自己,而且为今后的专业性比赛奠定了基础。
  同时此次演讲比赛的成功举行,使我部全体干事对自己的工作进一步了认识和了解,对今后的工作充满了自信和动力,最后真诚地感谢系领导系学生会领导及所有同学对本次活动的支持,是你们的支持才有了此次活动的成功举办。 现场的 8 位评委依公正的态度为每位参赛选手打分。其中有 6 位同学表现突出,依流利,纯正口语征服了评委和观众,在众多参赛选手当中脱颖而出, 同时为了调动同学们对学习儿童故事的兴趣,提高同学们的儿童故事口语能力和实用能力儿童故事演讲比赛的选手们展示了各自的亮丽风采,展开激烈的角逐
  (一)、准备工作充分,比赛顺利进行. 比赛前期,倾力策划并组织了这次活动的赛事。在学生文艺部的统筹下,把比赛中的各个环节与女工部、信管部、宣传部合作,如此细致的分工合作,为本次比赛顺利进行奠定了基础。(重点是宣传部、信管部)
  (二)、比赛严格按程序进行,体现 “公平、公正、公开”原则本次儿童故事演讲比赛参赛选手,发挥所长。为保证选手们得到专业、公正的评判,比赛过程中,评委采取十分制打分取消一个最高分和一个最低分的平均分作为选手最后得分。
  (三)、院领导对比赛的支持与肯定 此次儿童故事演讲比赛不仅得到了广大同学的支持,而且也得到了院领导老师的大力支持与肯定。


  演讲一、奥x讲话 给孩子美好清洁安全的未来
  Hi, everybody. One of the most urgent challenges of our time is climate change.
  We know that 2015 surpassed 2014 as the warmest year on record - and 2016 is on pace to be even hotter. When I took office, I said this was something we couldn"t kick down the road any longer -that our children"s future depended on our action. So we got to work, and over the past seven-and-a-half years, we"ve made ambitious investments in clean energy, and ambitious reductions in our carbon emissions1.
  We"ve multiplied wind power threefold. We"ve multiplied solar power more than thirtyfold. In parts of America, these clean power sources are finally cheaper than dirtier, conventional power. And carbon pollution from our energy sector2 is at its lowest level in 25 years, even as we"re continuing to grow our economy.
  We"ve invested in energy efficiency, and we"re slashing3 carbon emissions from appliances, homes, and businesses - saving families money on their energy bills. We"re reforming how we manage federal coal resources, which supply roughly 40% of America"s coal. We"ve set the first-ever national standards limiting the amount of carbon pollution power plants can release into the sky. We also set standards to increase the distance our cars and light trucks can go on a gallon of gas every year through 2025. And they"re working. At a time when we"ve seen auto4 sales surge, manufacturers are innovating5 and bringing new technology to market faster than expected.
  Over 100 cars, SUVs, and pick-up trucks on the market today already meet our vehicles standards ahead of schedule. And we"ve seen a boom in the plug-in electric vehicle market - with more models, lower battery costs, and more than 16,000 charging stations.
  But we"re not done yet. In the weeks and months ahead, we"ll release a second round of fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty vehicles. We"ll take steps to meet the goal we set with Canada and Mexico to achieve 50 percent clean power across North America by 2025. And we"ll continue to protect our lands and waters so that our kids and grandkids can enjoy our most beautiful spaces for generations.
  There"s still much more to do. But there"s no doubt that America has become a global leader in the fight against climate change. Last year, that leadership helped us bring nearly 200 nations together in Paris around the most ambitious agreement in history to save the one planet we"ve got. That"s not something to tear up - it"s something to build upon.
  And if we keep pushing, and leading the world in the right direction, there"s no doubt that, together, we can leave a better, cleaner, safer future for our children.
  Thanks, everybody. Have a great weekend.
  演讲二、艾玛·沃特森:消除校园暴力 保障女性安全
  Thank you all for being here for this important moment. These men from all over the world havedecided1 to make gender2 equality a priority in their lives and in their universities. Thank you for making this commitment.
  I graduated from university four years ago. I had always dreamed of going, and I know how fortunate I am to have had the opportunity to do so.
  Brown became my home, my community, and I took the ideas and the experiences I had there into all of my social interactions, into my work place, into my politics, into all aspects of my life. I know that my university experience shaped who I am. And of course it does for many people.
  But what if our experience in university shows us that women don"t belong in leadership? What if it shows us that, yes, women can study, but they shouldn"t lead a seminar? What if, as still in many places around the world, it tells us that women don"t belong there at all? What if, as is the case in far too many universities, we are given the message that sexual violence isn"t actually a form of violence?
  But, we know that if you change students" experiences so that they have different expectations of the world around them, expectations of equality, society will change.
  As we leave home for the first time to study at the places that we have worked so hard to get, we must not see or experience double standards. We need to see equal respect, leadership and pay.
  The university experience must tell women that their brain power is valued, and not just that, but that they belong within the leadership of the university itself.
  And so importantly right now, the experience must make it clear, that the safety of women, minorities, and anyone who may be vulnerable is a right, not a privilege.
  A right that will be respected by a community that believes and supports survivors3, and that recognizes that when one person"s safety is violated, everyone feels their own safety is violated.
  A university should be a place of refuge that takes action against all forms of violence. That"s why we believe that students should leave university believing in, striving for and expecting societies of true equality. Society of true equality in every sense. And universities have the power to be a vital catalyst4 for that change.
  Our ten impact champions have made this commitment and with their work, we know that they will inspire students, and other universities and schools across the world to do better.
  I am delighted to introduce this report on our progress, and I am eager to hear what"s next. Thank you so much.
  Thank you so much!
  演讲三、乔·拜登讲话 团结一致制止暴力
  Although I didn"t know the five police officers who were killed, or the seven who were wounded in Dallas this week - I really did know them.
  They were the folks I grew up with: The boy with the most courage and the most compassion1; the man with a brave heart and a generous soul, whose words were always encouraging; and the son, the son who made his mom proud every time he turned and smiled at her; and the friend you need and count on the guy you always had your back.
  Being a cop isn"t what they did. It was who they were-like every officer who joined foressentially2 the same reason.
  There was something about them that made them think they could help, that they should serve, that they had a duty. So when an assassin"s bullet targeted the police force in Dallas, it touched the soul of the nation.
  Those killed and wounded were protecting the safety of those who were peacefully protesting against racial injustices3 in the criminal justice system. Those who were marching and re-marching against the kind of shocking images we saw in St. Paul and Baton4 Rouge-and have seen so often elsewhere-of too many black lives lost.
  I believe the Dallas Police Department is one of the finest in the nation-and this incredibly diverse city I believe that will be able to bridge any divide. To paraphrase5 Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, let us use our words carefully. Let us act with unity6, and not division.
  As Dallas Police Chief David Brown-one of the leading chiefs in America-said, "There are no words to describe the atrocity7 that occurred to our city, all I know is this must stop, this divisiveness between our police and our citizens."
  As Americans, we are wounded by all of these deaths. It"s on all of us to stand up, to speak out about disparities in our criminal justice system-just as it"s on all of us to stand up for the police who protect us in our communities every single day.
  In these days and weeks ahead, we"re going to continue to offer our thoughts and prayers to provide comfort to the broken-hearted families. But they will only be redeemed8 by the courage of our actions that honor their memories. This violence has to stop. It"s not normal. It"s not who we are. So this time while testing, we can"t be pulled apart.
  We are America, with bonds that hold us together. We endure, we overcome, and we stand together.


  he world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. for example , forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. in addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution.
  a lot of measures have been taken. planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results.
  however, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved. on the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are getting worse and worse in the modern world. on the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem. in a word, there is a long way to go before we enjoy a clean and comfortable world.
  the world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. for example , forest destruction results in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather. in addition, man is faced with problems of water pollution and air pollution.
  a lot of measures have been taken. planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment. besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results.
  however, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved. on the one hand, the environment pollution and destruction are getting worse and worse in the modern world. on the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem. in a word, there is a long way to go before we enjoy a clean and comfortable world.
  As everyone knows,english is very important today.it has been used everywhere in the world.it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.
  but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my words.when i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese...
  i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english.
  i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us.
  i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.
  if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.
  i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!
  thank you!
  what would you do if you failed? many people may choose to give up. however, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal.
  on your way to success, you must keep your direction. it is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.
  direction means objectives. you can get nowhere without an objective in life.
  you can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. in this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. and you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time.
  someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be.
  we are young. “how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question. to answer it, first i have to ask  “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. it’s the matter of the will. it’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.
  a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.  let’s show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our love.career and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let’s make a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? .yeah, it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves.
  we all want the future to be better than the past. but the future can go better itself. don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. from the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. we’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. failure doesn’t mean you don’
  t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.
  as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. the past has gone. nothing we do will change it. but the future is in front of us. believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. and from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “we are the world, we are the future.”
  我们是年轻的。“怎样度过青春?”这是个有意义的问题。为了去回答它,我首先要问“从?青春?这个词中你能理解到什么?” 青春不是人生的一段时间,而是精神的一种状态。青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,。青春是人生的深泉在涌流.

