

国学译文 时间:2012-07-25


新视野大学英语第三版读写2答案篇1:新视野大学英语4:Unit4 TextB(课文+译文)

  你知道新视野大学英语4:Unit4 TextB将什么内容吗?下面是yjbys小编为大家带来的新视野大学英语4:Unit4 TextB(课文+译文)的知识,欢迎阅读。
  What nature is telling you
  1.Let"s sit down here, all of us, on the open prairie, where we can"t see a highway or a fence, free from the debris of the city. Let"s have no blankets to sit on, but let our bodies converge with the earth, the surrounding trees and shrubs. Let"s have the vegetation for a mattress, experiencing its texture, its sharpness and its softness. Let us become like stones, plants, and trees. Let us be animals, think and feel like animals.
  2.This is my plea: Listen to the air. You can hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it. We feel it between us, as a presence presiding over the day. It is a good way to start thinking about nature and talking about it. To go further, we must rather talk to it, talk to the rivers, to the lakes, to the winds as to our relatives.
  3.You have impaired our ability to experience nature in the good way, as part of it. Even here we are conscious that somewhere beyond the marsh and its cranes, somewhere out in those hills there are radar towers and highway overpasses. This land is so beautiful and strange that now some of you want to make it into a national park. You have not only contaminated the earth, the rocks, the minerals, all of which you call "dead" but which are very much alive; you have even changed the animals, which are part of us, changed them into vulgar zoological mutations, so no one can recognize them.
  4.There is power in an antelope, so you let it graze within your fences. But what power do you see in a goat or sheep, prey animals with no defenses, creatures that hold still while you slaughter them? There was great power in a wolf, even in a fox. You have inverted nature and turned these noble animals into miniature lap dogs. Nature is bound by your ropes and whips and is obedient to your commands. You can"t do much with a cat, so you fix it, alter it, declaw it, and even cut its vocal cords so that you can experiment on it in a laboratory without being disturbed by its cries.
  5.You have also made all types of wild birds into chickens - creatures with wings so impaired that they cannot fly. There are farms where you breed chickens for breast meat. Those birds are kept in low, repressive cages, forced to be hunched over all the time, which makes the breast muscles very big. One loud noise and the chickens go mad, killing themselves by flying against the walls of their cages. Having to spend all their lives stooped over makes an unnatural, crazy, no-good bird. It also makes unnatural, detached, no-good human beings.
  6.That"s where you"ve fooled yourselves. You have not only altered, declawed, and deformed your winged and four-legged cousins; you have done it concurrently to yourselves. You inject Botox, or use plastic surgery, synthetic make-up and countless drugs. You have filtered and remolded humans into executives sitting in boardrooms, into office workers, into time-clock punchers. Your homes are filled with families disconnected from one another but tied to one great entity, television.
  7.Watch the ashes, don"t smoke, you"ll stain the curtains. Watch the goldfish bowl. Don"t lean your head against the wallpaper; your hair may be greasy. Don"t spill liquor on that table: You"ll peel off its delicate finish. You should have wiped your boots; the floor was just cleaned. Don"t, don"t, don"t ..." That is absurd! We weren"t made to endure this type of repression. You live in prisons which you have built for yourselves, calling them "homes", offices, factories.
  8.Sometimes i think that even our pitiful small houses are better that your luxury mansions. Strolling a hundred feet to the outhouse on a clear wintry night, through mud or snow, that is one small link with nature. Or in the summer, in the back country, taking your time, listening to the humming of the insects or the flapping of birds’ wings, the sun warming your bones through the nodding branches of trees; you don’t even have that pleasure of coexistence with nature anymore.
  9.You subscribe to the belief that everything must be germ free. No smells! Not even the good, natural man and woman odors. Eradicate the smell from under your armpits, from your skin. Rub it out,and then spray some botanical odor on yourself,stuff you can spend a lot of money on,ten dollars an ounce,so you know this has to smell good.Why do you keep such a distance from your bodies’ functions,cavities and smells that you’ve alienated yourselves from the natural world,of which you are an integral part?
  10.I think you are so afraid and intolerant of the world around you.You deplore the natural world;you don’t want to see,feel,smell,or hear it.The feelings of rain and snow on your face,being numbed by an icy wind and warmed back up by a smoking fire,coming out of a hot sweat bath and plunging into a cold stream,these things are the spice of life,but you don’t want them anymore.
  11.You’re cage dwellers,living in boxes which shut out the hot humidity of the summer and the chill of winter,living inside a body that no longer has a scent.You’re hearing the noise form the hi-fi instead of listening to the sounds of nature.You’re watching actors on TV having a make-believe experience when you no longer experience anything for yourself.That’s your way.It’s no good.


  Pre-reading Activities
  First Listening
  1.Before you listen to the tape have a quick look at the paragraph below. It"s similar to what you"ll hear on the tape, but there are some differences. As you listen the first time, underline the sections of the paragraph that are different from what you hear on the tape. Don"t worry yet about what the exact differences are-just underline where they appear.
  Steven Hawking, the world-famous scientist and author, lost his ability to speak in 1985. Already confined to a wheelchair, unable to move more than a few muscles, he lost his voice and this meant he could communicate only by raising his eyebrows. Then an American computer programmer came to Hawking"s rescue by designing a vocalizing computer specially for him. With its help. Hawking can construct sentences at a speed of about 15 words per minute, by selecting words from his computer screen and then clicking on a device that vocalizes the sentences for him. Hawking jokes about the computer: "The only trouble is that it gives me an American accent."
  Second Listening
  2. What else do you know about Steven Hawking and his book A Brief History of Time? Why is he called "the smartest man in the world"?
  A Brief History of Stephen Hawking
  Michael White & John Gribbin
  He has been proclaimed "the finest mind alive", "the greatest genius of the late 20th century", and "Einstein"s heir". Known to millions, far and wide, for his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking is a star scientist in more ways than one. His gift for revealing the mysteries of the universe in a style that non-scientists can enjoy made Hawking an instant celebrity and his book a bestseller in both Britain and America. It has earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records for spending 184 weeks in The Sunday Times "top-ten" lists, and has sold more than five million copies worldwide — virtually unheard-of success for a science book.
  How did all this happen? How has a man who is almost completely paralysed and unable to speak except through a computer overcome these incredible obstacles and achieved far more than most people ever dream of?
  Stephen William Hawking was a healthy baby, born to intellectual, eccentric parents. His father Frank, a doctor specialising in tropical diseases, and his mother Isobel, a doctor"s daughter, lived in a big old house full of books. Carpets and furniture stayed in use until they fell apart; the wallpaper hung peeling from old age. The family car was a London taxi, bought for £50.
  Hawking has always been fascinated by his birth date: January 8,1942. It was the 300th anniversary of the death of Galileo, the Italian mathematician and astronomer who revolutionised astronomy by maintaining that the Sun is the centre of the Solar System — not the Earth, as ancient astronomers believed.
  "Galileo", says Hawking, "was the first scientist to start using his eyes, both figuratively and literally. In a sense, he was responsible for the age of science we now enjoy."
  Hawking attended St. Albans School, a private school noted for its high academic standards. He was part of a small elite group, the brightest of the bright students. They hung around together, listened to classical music and read only such "smart" authors as Aldous Huxley and Hawking"s hero, Bertrand Russell, at once an intellectual giant and liberal activist.
  Hawking spent very little time on maths homework, yet got full marks. A friend recalls: "While I would be struggling away with a complicated problem, he just knew the answer. He didn"t have to think about it."
  This instinctive insight also impressed his teachers. One of Hawking"s science teachers, for example, recalls the time he posed the question: "Does a cup of hot tea reach a drinkable temperature more quickly if you put the milk in first, or add the milk after pouring?" While the rest of the class struggled over how to even begin approaching the problem, Hawking almost instantly announced the correct answer: "Add the milk after pouring, of course." (The hotter the tea initially, the faster it will cool.) Another teacher relates how Hawking and his friends built a simple computer—and this was in 1958, a time when only large research centres had any computers at all.
  Hawking the schoolboy was a typical grind, underweight and awkward and peering through eyeglasses. His grey uniform always looked a mess and he spoke rather unclearly, having inherited a slight lisp from his father. This had nothing to do with early signs of illness; he was just that sort of kid—a figure of classroom fun, respected by his friends, avoided by most.
  Hawking went on to study at Oxford, winning a scholarship to read Natural Science, a course which combines mathematics, physics and astronomy, at University College. He found much of the work easy and averaged only one hour"s work a day. Once, when his tutor set some physics problems from a textbook, Hawking didn"t even bother to do them. Asked why, he spent 20 minutes pointing out errors in the book. His main enthusiasm was the Boat Club. Many times he returned to shore with bits of the boat knocked off, having tried to guide his crew through an impossibly narrow gap. His rowing trainer suspects, "Half the time, he was sitting in the stern with his head in the stars, working out mathematical formulae."
  Oxford has always had its share of eccentric students, so Hawking fit right in. But then, when he was 21, he was told that he had ALS—a progressive and incurable nerve disease. The doctors predicted that he had only a few years to live.
  "Before my condition was diagnosed, I was very bored with life," Hawking says today, speaking from his wheelchair through a computerized voice synthesizer. The doctors" grim prognosis made him determined to get the most from a life he had previously taken for granted.
  "But I didn"t die," Hawking notes dryly. Instead, as his physical condition worsened, Hawking"s reputation in scientific circles grew, as if to demonstrate the theory of mind over matter. Hawking himself acknowledges his disease as being a crucial factor in focusing his attention on what turned out to be his real strength: theoretical research. Hawking specializes in theoretical cosmology, a branch of science that seeks ultimate answers to big questions; Why has the universe happened, and what are the laws that govern it? His main work has been on black holes and the origin and expansion of the universe. He currently holds the Cambridge University professorship once held by Sir Isaac Newton.
  The smartest man in the world is not immune to the depression that can accompany severe disabilities. But Hawking says: "I soon realized that the rest of the world won"t want to know you if you"re bitter or angry. You have to be positive if you"re to get much sympathy or help." He goes on: "Nowadays, muscle power is obsolete. What we need is mind power—and disabled people are as good at that as anyone else."
  New Words
  vi. say publicly and officially 宣告,宣布
  n. 继承人
  n. sth. (esp. a book) that sells in very large numbers 畅销书/货
  n. 排行前十名
  ad. almost; very nearly 几乎;实际上
  a. almost what is stated; in fact though not officially 实质上,实际上(但并非正式的)
  *paralyse, -ze
  vt. make sb. lose the ability to move part or all of his body, or to feel anything in it 使瘫痪
  n. sth. that blocks one"s way or makes movement, progress, etc. difficult 障碍(物)
  a. (of people or their behaviour) unusual; not conventional or normal; slightly odd (人、行为举止)异乎寻常的;古怪的,怪僻的
  a. of or found in the tropics 热带的;发生于热带的
  n. 地毯
  n. thick coloured or patterned paper for decorating the walls of a room 墙纸;壁纸
  vi. (of a covering) come off in strips or small pieces 剥落;脱落
  vt. (off) remove the outer covering from (a fruit, vegetable, etc.) 削去…的皮;剥去…的壳
  n. the outer covering of fruits and vegetables (水果、蔬菜等的)皮
  n. a day which is an exact year or number of years after sth. has happened; a ceremony, feast, etc., held on this day 周年;周年纪念
  n. a person who studies mathematics 数学家
  n. a person who studies astronomy 天文学家
  revolutionise, -ize
  vt. cause a complete change in 使发生革命性剧变
  n. the scientific study of the sun, moon. stars, planets, etc. 天文学
  a. 1. of, from or concerning the sun 太阳的;太阳产生的
  2. using the sun"s light and heat 利用太阳光(或太阳能)的
  a. belonging to times that are long past 古代的;属于古代的
  ad. 比喻地;借喻地
  ad. 1. according to the most basic and simple meaning of a word 字面上地;照文字地
  2. exactly, really 确实地,真心地,不加夸张地
  a. (Fr) (of people or organizations) considered to be the best of their kind(法)杰出的,卓越的;精锐的
  n. a group of the most powerful, rich or talented people 精英阶层;实力集团
  a. 1. (of music) composed with serious intentions and having lasting value (as opposed to jazz or pop) 古典的;古典乐派的
  2. being in accordance with ancient Greek or Roman models in literature or art or with later systems based on them 古典(指古希腊或古罗马文学、艺术等)的;基于古典文学艺术
  a. (出于)本能的;(出于)天性的
  n. deep understanding; the ability to see into the true nature of sth. 洞悉,深入了解;洞察力
  vt. 1. ask (a question, riddle, etc.) 提出(问题等)
  2. create or present (a difficulty, etc.) 造成,引起(困难等)
  ad. at first; at the beginning 最初;开始
  v. 1. tell (a story) 讲述(故事)
  2. see or show a connection between 使联系,显示出…与…的联系
  a. weighing too little or less than is usual 重量不足
  a. 笨拙的;使人尴尬的
  vi. (at, through) look very carefully or hard for not being able to see well 仔细看;费力地看
  n. a person of the same age or status as you 同辈;同等地位的人
  n. =glasses 眼镜
  vt. 1. have features or qualities similar to those of an ancestor 经遗传而得(性格、特征)
  2. receive (money, property, etc.) as a result of the death of the previous owner 继承(金钱、遗产等)
  n. 咬舌;口齿不清
  n. 1. a rowing team 全体划船队员
  2. all the people working on a ship, an aircraft, etc.(船、飞机等的)全体人员
  n. 1. an opening or break between two things 豁口;缺口
  2. 峡谷;山口
  3. 差距;分歧;隔阂
  a. of or concerning mathematics 数学(上)的
  a. 1. (of diseases, etc.) becoming increasingly worse in its later stages (疾病等)愈来愈严重的
  2. moving forward continuously or by stages 向前进的;循序渐进的
  3. favoring or eager for new ideas or changes 进步的;改革的
  a. that cannot be cured 不可救药的;不能治愈的
  n. 1. any of the threadlike parts of the body which form a system to carry feelings and messages to and from the brain 神经
  2. strength or control of mind; courage 意志力;勇气
  v. see or describe (a future happening) in advance as a result of knowledge, experience, reason, etc. 预言,预测
  vt. discover the nature of (a disease) 诊断(疾病)
  n. 轮椅
  n. [电子]合成器;音响合成器
  a. 1. (of a situation, etc.) unpleasant, difficult to accept and worrying 严酷的;无情的
  2. (of a place) unattractive and depressing in appearance 阴森的,令人生畏的
  n. 1. (med.) a doctor"s opinion of what course a disease will probably take [医]预后(指根据症状对疾病结果的预测)
  2. a prediction about the future 预测
  dryly, drily
  ad. 1. according to the rules and without personal warmness or feeling 干巴巴地;冷冰冰地
  2. 干燥地
  v. (cause to) become worse (使)变得更坏;(使)恶化
  vt. 1. prove or make clear by reasoning or examples 论证,证明
  2. show the way to do sth. or how sth. works 示范;操作;演示
  3. show (one"s particular skill, quality or feeling) 显示,表露
  vi. take part in a march or meeting to show one"s opposition to sth. or support for it 示威游行
  vt. 1. (as, to be) recognize, accept or admit (as) 承认;接受
  2. state that one has received sth. 告知(信件、礼物等的)收到
  3. show one"s appreciation for, as by giving or saying sth. 对…表示谢忱,答谢
  a. based on or concerning the ideas and abstract principles of a subject, rather than the practical aspects of it 理论(上)的;纯理论的
  n. the scientific study of the universe and its origin and development 宇宙学
  vt. 1. (often pass.) determine the nature of [常被动]决定;支配
  2. rule (a country, a city, etc. and its people) 统治;治理
  3. have control or influence over (sth.) 支配;影响
  n. a person who controls any of certain types of organization or place 统治者;管辖者;地方长官
  n. 1. the process of becoming greater in size or amount 扩大,扩充;扩张
  2. 扩充物;扩展部分
  a. 1. (to) not affected by 不受影响的;可防止的
  2. unable to be harmed (by a disease) because of special powers in oneself 免疫的;有免疫力的
  n. 1. a feeling of sadness and hopelessness 忧伤,消沉,沮丧
  2. a period of reduced business activity and high unemployment 不景气;萧条(期)
  n. a physical injury or mental illness that severely affects one"s life 伤残,残疾
  n. 1. the ability to share the feelings of another 同情心,恻隐心
  2. a pity 同情
  sympathize, -ise
  v. show or feel sympathy (表示)同情
  black hole
  an area in outer space into which everything near it, including light itself, is pulled [天]黑洞
  ad. at the present time, in contrast with the past 如今,现在
  a. no longer used; out of date 已废弃的;过时的
  Phrases and Expressions
  far and wide
  everywhere; from or over a large area 到处;广泛地
  dream of
  wish, fantasize, imagine 梦想;向往
  specialise in
  concentrate one"s studies, interests, etc. on (a particular field, etc.) 专门从事;专门研究
  in use
  being used 在使用着的
  fall apart
  break into pieces; break up 破碎;崩溃
  in a sense
  to a certain extent but not entirely 从某种意义上说
  be responsible for
  be the cause of 是…的原因;对…负责
  hang around (with)
  spend time in a place or with sb., often without any particular purpose (在某处)闲荡;(和某人)厮混
  at once
  at the same time 同时,一起
  struggle away with
  try very hard to do (sth., though it is very hard) 努力做(某事),艰难地做(某事)
  have nothing to do with
  have no relation to or connection with 与…无关
  bother to do sth.
  trouble oneself to do sth. 费心去做某事
  knock off
  cause sth. to fall from a place 敲掉;击倒
  work out
  find an answer to (sth.); solve (sth.) 想出;得出
  have one"s share of sth.
  have part of sth.; have the amount that is fair for sb. 享有其中一份;享有自己应得的一份
  fit (right) in
  be (precisely) suitable (to) (正)相合
  mind over matter
  (sometimes humor) control of events or material objects by the power of the mind 精神战胜物质
  turn out to be
  happen to be in the end 最后是;结果是
  Proper Names
  Stephen William Hawking
  John Gribbin
  Guinness Book of Records
  The Sunday Times
  St Albans School
  Aldous Huxley
  Bertrand Russell
  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig"s Disease [医]肌萎缩性(脊髓)侧索硬化


  距离2016年9月公共英语考试越来越近了,为了让大家了解公共英语阅读考试难易程度,yjbys网小编为大家提供了3月份公共英语考试真题及答案详解, 以下是3月份公共英语三级考试阅读真题及答案。
  Part A
  Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
  Text 1
  Isabel has turned down two job offers in the past year. In 2006, she started her own consulting practice, but by 2008, most of her larger clients had to drop her because of the economy. In 2011, she was undertaking irregular assignments and knew she needed a steady job. The first job she considered was Director of HR for a company in Utah. After the initial interviews, she felt the job fit her except for the location. Still, she flew west to meet the hiring manager. The hiring manager explained that Isabel was the top candidate for the job but that, before she continued with the process, she should better understand the firm"s culture. She directed Isabel to several videos of the company"s CEO, who regularly appeared in front of the company in costume as part of morale building exercises and expected his senior leaders to do the same. "Even though I was desperate for a job, I knew I couldn"t do that," Isabel says. She called the recruiter to turn down the job and explained that she didn"t feel there was a cultural fit.
  A few months later, she interviewed for another job: a director of employee relations at a local university. After several interviews, the hiring manager told her the job was hers if she wanted it. The job had many positives : it was a low-stress environment, it offered great benefits, and the university was an employee-friendly place. But the job was relatively junior despite the title and Isabel worried it wouldn"t be challenging enough. Finally, she turned it down. "It would be great to have a paycheck and great benefits but I would definitely have trouble sleeping at night," she says.
  In both cases, she was frank with the hiring managers about why she wasn"t taking the jobs."In the past, it felt like dating, I was worried about hurting people"s feelings," she says. However, they appreciated her frankness and thanked her for her honesty. She says it was hard to turn down the jobs and it was a risk for her financially but she felt she had to.
  26. In 2011, Isabel_______
  A. did consulting now and then
  B. found a job close to her home
  C. refused several job interviews
  D. ran a successful consulting firm
  27. Isabel turned down the first job offer mainly because of its_______
  A. CEO
  B. culture
  C. location
  D. recruiter
  28. Isabel was dissatisfied with the second job due to its_______
  A. junior rifle
  B. low benefits
  C. Environment
  D. lack of challenge
  29. Isabel believed that her rejection of the jobs was______
  A. harmful
  B. surprising
  C. justifiable
  D. troublesome
  30. According to Isabel, it is important to______
  A. look for jobs with little stress
  B. look for jobs with great benefits
  C. be truthful in declining job offers
  D. be cautious in declining job offers
  Text 2
  You do not usually get something for nothing. Now, a new study reveals that the evolution of an improved learning ability could come at a particularly high price: an earlier death.
  Past experiments have demonstrated that it is relatively easy .through selective breeding to make rats, honey bees and-that great favourite of researchers-fruit flies a lot better at learning. Animals that are better learners should be competitive and, thus, over time, come to dominate a population by natural selection. But improved learning ability does not get selected amongst these animals in the wild. No one really understands why.
  Tadeusz Kawecki and his colleagues at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland have measured the effects of improved learning on the lives of fruit flies. The flies were given two different fruits as egg-laying sites. One of these was laced with a bitter additive that could be detected only on contact. The flies were then given the same fruit but without an additive. Flies that avoided the fruit which had been bitter were deemed to have learned from their experience. Their children were reared and the experiment was run again.
  After repeating the experiment for 30 generations, the children of the learned flies were com- pared with normal flies. The researchers report in a forthcoming edition of Evolution that although learning ability could be bred into a population of fruit flies, it shortened their lives by 15%. When the researchers compared their learned flies to colonies selectively bred to live long lives, they found even greater differences. Whereas learned flies had reduced their life spans, the long-lived flies learned less well than even average flies.
  The authors suggest that evolving an improved learning ability may require a greater investment in the nervous system which takes resources away from processes that delay ageing. However, Dr. Kawecki thinks the effect could also be a by-product of greater brain activity increasing the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which can increase oxidation in the body and damage health.
  No one knows whether the phenomenon holds true for other animals. So, biologists, at least, still have a lot to learn.
  31. Past experiments prove selective breeding can make animals better_______
  A. Commanders
  B. Competitors
  C. survivors
  D. learners
  32. In this experiment, scientists observed that________
  A. some flies avoided the fruit without an addictive
  B. some flies preferred the fruit with an addictive
  C. the eggs of the flies were not damaged
  D. the impact on the flies did not last long
  33. The forthcoming report says that_______
  A. long-lived flies are better at laying eggs
  B. long-lived flies are poorer in learning
  C. learned flies have a relatively long life
  D. learned flies live as long as average ones
  34. According to Dr.Kawecki, greater brain activity______
  A. reduces oxygen consumption
  B. regulates the nervous system
  C. speeds up the ageing process
  D. stabilizes the ageing process
  35. We learn from the text that_______
  A. the research findings need to be tested further
  B. biologists are doing similar research on other animals
  C. the animal world usually follows the same universal laws
  D. biologists are applying their findings to other areas
  Read the texts from a magazine article in which five people talk about tipping in a restaurant. For questions 36-40, match the name of each person to one of the statements (A- G) given below.
  Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
  I"ve always viewed tipping as a way of saying "thank you" to the one who serves me. I believe what is bad is when no tip is left at all. The better the service, the higher the tip. Unless the service is literally perfect, I never tip more than 10% of the bill. Much like the harder teachers in school, I never give an easy “A.”My assessment is honest.
  A tip is a "thank you," but in truth, a tip is payment for service. 20% is a standard tip. Servers deserve it for their hard work. Restaurants will never pay more for labor unless they are forced to do so by new laws. Tips make up about 97% of a server"s total income. Those tips are needed for survival. So, before servers are paid a living wage, tip 20%.
  Why should I pay the difference between what the restaurant is willing to pay the employee and what an acceptable wage is? I do pay 20%, but I hate it. A friend of mine left Europe for New York City, found a job in a restaurant there and ended up making $5,500 a month. Enough above mini- mum wage? How about miners, construction workers, resident doctors, etc? Do they get tipped?
  18 -20% for good service is today"s standard. The restaurant and its employees arc too polite to tell you this or to put it on their menus, but that is their expectation and you need to understand that. I believe it is good manners to respect this. To do otherwise is to be openly rude. If you disagree, you arc wise to cat elsewhere, as you are hurting a hardworking professional.
  Tipping has gotten out of control. I always had thought it was 15%, and now suddenly servers have made it 20%. I tip 15%, and that"s it. If the service is really superior, then I work higher from there. Interesting to be told ,“If you can"t afford to tip 20%, then you should cat at home.” If all those people stayed away, the restaurant would not even be in business.
  Now match the name of each person (36 - 40) to the appropriate statement.
  Note: there are two extra statements.
  37. Daniel38. Kate
  39. Patricia
  40. Michael
  A. It"s rude not to tip.
  B. I do tip, though I don"t like it.
  C. Tipping shouldn"t be compulsory.
  D. Tips are essential to servers" survival.
  E. If you don"t tip, you are punishing the server.
  F. I think the current tipping standard is too high.
  G. My tip faithfully reflects how good the service is.
  Read the following text from which five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences A-G the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (41-45). There are TWO extra sentences that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
  In 2009, the number of hungry people in the world reached one billion for the first time. It"s difficult not to be shocked by the fact that more than one in seven people in the world do not have enough to eat.41Hunger kills more people per year than diseases such as AIDS, malaria and TB combined.
  The UN estimates that almost two thirds of the world"s hungry people are in Asia, which is of course the world" s most populous continent.42 Although this region has a much lower population than Asia, it has the highest percentage of hungry people. Almost all of the rest are in Latin America, North Africa and the Caribbean, In the richest regions of the world there are only a tiny number of people who don" t have enough to eat.
  There are many reasons for world hunger. They include wars, droughts, floods, and the over- use of fanning land.43Many people also blame greedy businessmen for pushing up the prices of basic foods in the global market. But the most important reason, quite simply, is poverty, which has increased recently due to the financial crisis of 2008.
  Although many people make the obvious point that there would be less hunger if the global population were smaller, few people would argue that there is not enough food to go around. 44 In the last 50 years, global food production has risen even more quickly than the global population. There are many areas of the world in which people generally have more than enough food.45The answer to world hunger, therefore, may be a balanced food distribution around the whole world. Everyone will have enough to eat, but not overeat.
  A. The basic problem seems to be not a lack of food, but its distribution.
  B. More than a quarter are in sub-Saharan Africa.
  C. All these factors affect food production.
  D. It takes the effort of every country to fight against world hunger.
  E. In those places, obesity is a far bigger problem than hunger.
  F. Those places need far more food than they actually get.
  G. By the end of this year, more than 35 million people will have died as a result of not having enough to eat.
  阅读 Part D:
  Read the following text from which 10 words have been removed. Choose from the words A - 0 the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (46-55). There are FIVE extra words that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.
  I can"t believe the kind of rubbish that some people call art. Yesterday, my girlfriend dragged me to a modern art 46to see an exhibition she had read about in the paper. It was five or six so-called installations made of bits of plastic, wood and paper that 47 just to have been thrown on the floor. It was a mess, basically--just like the floor in my sister" s house when my two-year- old nephew" s left all his toys out, but less 48Come to think of it,49you had given those bits of plastic, wood and paper to my nephew, he could probably have50something just as good. I guess, sometimes, the cleaners end up throwing art like that in the bins at the end of the day,51 they must find it hard to work out what" s an exhibit and what" s just 52
  I think that if a painting or an installation looks like something I could have done myself in fifteen minutes, it doesn"t53to be called art. But when I say that, people like my girlfriend say I" m “uncultured.” I think a lot of the people who say they 54 the kind of stuff we saw yester- day are just pretending--deep down they know it" s rubbish but they don" t want to be the first one to admit it because, unlike me, they" re 55of being looked down on.
  B. appreciate
  C. Because
  D. Colorful
  E. created
  F. Deserve
  G. dislike
  H. gallery
  I. if
  J. litter
  K. object
  L. proved
  M. seemed
  N. serious
  0. when
  26.A 27.B  28.D  29.A  30.C
  31.D  32.A  33.B  34.C  35.A
  36.G  37.D  38.B  39.A  40.F
  41.G  42.B  43.C  44.A  45.E
  46.H  47.M  48.D  49.I  50.E
  51.C  52.J  53.F  54.B  55.A

