

历年中考满分作文 时间:2010-03-26


(1) [英文名称]如何取英文名字

  随着西方文明的演进,老外的名字变化也很多。 以Parent Soup的Name finder为例,首先可以选择男生或女生的姓名。台湾有些人取名字的时候也没有分清楚,老外给男人用的名字台湾女生也拿来用,还振振有辞的说这是女男平等。出了国难免又要贻笑大方。一般的名字音节数目差不多都在三个之内,当然音节越多的,字母也越多,喜欢偷懒的人,可不要虐待自己。很多人习惯用取一个与自己中文姓名发音类似的洋名,你可以在前缀的地方选一个与自己中文姓名发音接近的字母。
  英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。如 William Jafferson Clinton。但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,如 George Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如 Bill Clinton。上述教名和中间名又称个人名。现将英语民族的个人名、昵称和姓氏介绍如下:
  1. 采用圣经、希腊罗马神话、古代名人或文学名著中的人名作为教名。
  2. 采用祖先的籍贯,山川河流,鸟兽鱼虫,花卉树木等的名称作为教名。
  3. 教名的不同异体。
  4. 采用(小名)昵称。
  5. 用构词技术制造新的教名,如倒序,合并。
  6. 将母亲的娘家姓氏作为中间名。
  英语民族常用的男子名有:James. John. David. Daniel. Michael. 常见的女子名为:Jane. Mary. Elizabeth. Ann. Sarah. Catherine.
  1. 直接借用教名,如 Clinton.
  2. 在教名上加上表示血统关系的词缀,如后缀-s. -son. -ing;前缀 M’-. Mc-. Mac-. Fitz- 等均表示某某之子或后代。
  3. 在教名前附加表示身份的词缀,如 St.-. De-. Du=. La-. Le-.
  4. 放映地名,地貌或环境特征的,如 Brook. Hill等。
  5. 放映身份或职业的,如:Carter. Smith.
  6. 放映个人特征的,如:Black. Longfellow.
  7. 借用动植物名的,如 Bird. Rice.
  8. 由双姓合并而来,如 Burne-Jones.
  英语姓氏虽然出现较教名晚,但数量要多得多。常用的有:Smith. Miller. Johnson. Brown. Jones. Williams.
  1. 较早产生的源于圣经,希腊罗马神话的教名通常不借用为姓氏。
  2. 英国人习惯上将教名和中间名全部缩写,如 M. H. Thatcher;美国人则习惯于只缩写中间名,如 Ronald W. Reagan。
  3. 在姓名之前有时还要有人际称谓,如职务军衔之类。Dr.. Prof.. Pres. 可以用于姓氏前或姓名前;而Sir 仅用于教名或姓名前。

(2) [英文名称]表示各个学科的英文名有哪些

  1. But the model entirely ignores the paramount subloop of a world: geography.
  2. Third, it seems that for next year, both of the biology and geography will be comprised into the high school entrance testing subjects.
  3. And the second class is geography Mr. luo also talk about the exam parper for us.
  4. In consideration of status of the traditional fishing rights in the exclusive economic zone system, when delimitates the maritime boundaries with relevant states in east China sea and yellow sea, China should stress the following main factors in order to strive for gains as much as possible, such as geology, geography, length of coastal line, reasonable reservation of fishery resources, equal exploitation to fishery resources, especially stress economic impacts on China.
  5. The geography department"s two classes grew me relate this question to between the environment and the economy the interest: Developing country protection and environmental effect analysis.
  6. This thesis focuses on the studies of regional environment planning for sustainable development under the guiding of environmental geography.
  7. The first book introducing geography exploration and discovery in China.
  8. Among so many geography datum frameworks, map projection is the only one which can directly incarnate in visualization.
  1. Many of the volunteer programs that the chemistry major initiated are still running including one that has reached out far beyond the campus grounds.
  2. Since October 2002, it has worked with Korea Academy of Research in Chemistry to develop the catalyzer.
  3. The pair play husband and wife in the adaptation of John Grogan"s memoir, and sources say there is growing chemistry between them off screen.
  4. Xu is " the father of Chinese rare earth chemistry ", the Xinhua News Agency said.
  5. In a society that is now morally wide open and full of pressure and temptations, constant separation will harm the chemistry between spouses.
  6. Also attending the contest is last year"s female champion Juliet Lee, a former chemistry professor in China who now owns a salon in Maryland.
  7. The announcement ended years of speculation about China"s most romantic sporting couple, whose chemistry on and off the ice has fascinated Chinese fans.
  8. The group members have all excelled individually in different musical fields and this has helped them develop a particular musical chemistry.
  9. Police say a dozen students and a teacher have been injured by an explosion in a high school chemistry class in central Germany.
  10. This is the application of science to the art of cooking, and involves playing with physics and chemistry as much as with a wok and pan.
  1. I realize that a lot of man wholly adjust China very curiously, Reason that probably is for Chinese history age-old, I to Canada also very curiously, For what I can tell, There are a lot of China returneds students in Canada.
  2. Gypsy"s Score may be the most deceptive in the history of Broadway.
  3. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.
  4. Apart from the inter consorts and imperial clansmen, the entourages were about 100, 000(some said 200, 000) people such as artisans, medical officers, musicians, prostitutes, the chamberlain and so on, which is the largest immigration in the history of Northern Song dynasty.
  5. According to the new subject idea and its special circumstances, the article which combines the new evaluation idea of senior history with the teaching method in the western mountains area in Shijiazhuang, puts forward a new idea about the school work evaluation devolepment of senior history, and offers a refrence for the teachers who are working in the local areas and those who are working in the less developed areas.

(3) [英文名称]世界各个国家英文名字的简称

  厄立特里亚 (ERI、 Eritrea)
  埃塞俄比亚(ETH 、Ethiopia)
  加蓬(GAB、 Gabon)
  冈比亚(GAM、 Gambia)
  加纳(GHA、 Ghana)
  几内亚(GUI、 Guinea)
  几内亚比绍(GBS 、Guinea-Bissau)
  肯尼亚(KEN、 Kenya)
  莱索托(LES、 Lesotho )
  利比里亚 (LBR、 Liberia)
  利比亚阿拉伯加马西里亚(LBA、 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)
  马达加斯加(MAD 、Madagascar)
  马拉维(MAW、 Malawi)
  马里(MLI、 Mali)
  毛里塔尼亚(MTN 、Mauritania)
  毛里求斯(MRI、 Mauritius)
  摩洛哥( MAR、 Morocco)
  莫桑比克(MOZ、 Mozambique)
  纳米比亚(NAM 、Namibia)
  尼日尔 (NIG、 Niger)
  尼日利亚 (NGR、 Nigeria)
  卢旺达(RWA、 Rwanda)
  圣多美和普林西比(STP、 Sao Tome and Principe)
  塞内加尔(SEN、 Senegal)
  塞舌尔(SEY 、Seychelles)
  塞拉利昂 ( SLE、 Sierra Leone)
  索马里( SOM 、Somalia)
  南非(RSA 、South Africa)
  苏丹(SUD、 Sudan)
  斯威士兰(SWZ、 Swaziland)
  多哥(TOG、 Togo )
  突尼斯(TUN、 Tunisia)
  吉尔吉斯斯坦(KGZ、 Kyrgyzstan)
  老挝(LAO、 Lao People"s Democratic Republic)
  黎巴嫩(LIB、 Lebanon)
  马来西亚(MAS、 Malaysia)
  蒙古(MGL、 Mongolia)
  缅甸(MYA、 Myanmar (ex Burma until 1989) )
  尼泊尔(NEP、 Nepal)
  巴基斯坦(PAK、 Pakistan)
  巴勒斯坦(PLE、 Palestine)
  菲律宾 (PHI、 Philippines)
  卡塔尔(QAT、 Qatar)
  沙特阿拉伯(KSA、 Saudi Arabia)
  新加坡(SIN、 Singapore)
  斯里兰卡( SRI、 Sri Lanka)
  叙利亚(SYR、 Syrian Arab Republic)
  塔吉克斯坦(TJK、 Tadjikistan)
  泰国( THA、 Thailand )
  东帝汶(TLS、 Timor-Leste)
  土库曼斯坦(TKM、 Turkmenistan)
  阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE、 United Arab Emirates)
  乌兹别克斯坦(UZB、 Uzbekistan)
  越南(VIE、 Viet Nam )
  也门( YEM、 Yemen)
  厄瓜多尔(ECU、 Ecuador)
  萨尔瓦多(ESA、 El Salvador)
  格林纳达(GRN、 Grenada)
  危地马拉(GUA、 Guatemala)
  圭亚那(GUY、 Guyana)
  海地(HAI、 Haiti)
  洪都拉斯(HON、 Honduras)
  牙买加(JAM、 Jamaica)
  墨西哥(MEX、 Mexico)
  荷属安的列斯(AHO、 Netherlands Antilles)
  尼加拉瓜(NCA、 Nicaragua)
  巴拿马(PAN、 Panama)
  巴拉圭(PAR、 Paraguay)
  秘鲁(PER、 Peru)
  波多黎各(PUR、 Puerto Rico)
  圣基特和内维斯(SKN、 Saint Kitts and Nevis)
  圣卢西亚(LCA、 Saint Lucia)
  圣文森特和格林哪达(VIN、 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
  苏里南(SUR、 Suriname)
  特立尼达和多巴哥(TRI、 Trinidad and Tobago)
  美国(USA United States of America)
  乌拉圭(URU、 Uruguay)

