

考场英语作文 时间:2010-08-14



  英 [tʃaɪld] 美 [tʃaɪld]
  名词 小孩,孩子; 幼稚的人; 产物; 弟子
  1. I have to say I am a child in these matters.
  2. He was a child of the Renaissance.
  3. They have three children.
  4. He has two children.
  1. " Neither video showed Lin had committed an indecent act against the child, " Luo said.
  2. A cow escaped from a slaughterhouse and butted three people including a child.
  3. The punishment often involves hitting a child on the buttocks with a long wooden board, or paddle.
  4. India"s Child Labor Act bans employment of children younger than 14, but circuses were exempt until six months ago when the government amended the law.
  5. One of the biggest challenges for families is helping their child understand why they may have been abandoned by their birth parents.
  6. Mariah Carey was visited by Child Protective Services shortly after giving birth to her twins.
  7. Others argue that the driver might not have intentionally killed the child and committed the act out of panic and inexperience.
  8. In 1929 the first Child Marriage Restraint Act was enacted, taking the lower age limit up to 12.
  9. The given name was usually chosen by the parents as a symbol of their blessings and hopes for the child.
  10. He was not the only child captivated by the side effects of the Internet.
  1. Have you found that flowers are more coloful, sky is broader and air is fresher than before when trying to see the world in child"s eyes?
  2. Listen to your accent simply become a northerner, and the child.
  3. I am buying this to coax my child.
  4. Because of this child, I felt so thankful, so happy, and so apologetic, and my heart broke.
  5. It is out of rule for an unmarried woman to chaperon the little child.


  HDCAM是高清版本的Digital Betacam,使用8位元DCT 3:1:1抽样压缩,在1440×1080下降取样1080i相容的分辨率,及在后期型号加入24p及23.976 PsF模式。
  然后是first ENG,意思是,第一种语言是英语。
  有时会使用小三角架,但大多数时候不可能使用,所以摄像机会抖动。因此我们看到画面通常偏暗人物常常会失真,下方的字幕时常会出现倾斜。 由于声音是从摄像机自带的话筒录制,所以经常会录到观众的笑声等声音。因为这些因素,图象和声音质量通常都很差。
  HDCAM于1997年推出,是高清版本的Digital Betacam,使用8位元DCT 3:1:1抽样压缩,在1440×1080下降取样1080i相容的分辨率,及在后期型号加入24p及23.976 PsF模式。HDCAM编解码器使用非正方形像素及在播放1440×1080录影内容时上升取样至1920×1080格式播放。录影位元率为144 Mbit/s,音讯近乎一样,以4声道AES/EBU 20-bit/48 kHz数码音讯收录。
  HDCAM SR(SR为Superior Resolution的缩写)于2003年推出,及成为SMPTE 409M-2005标准[1]。它使用更高粒子密度的录像带,可以以440 Mbit/s位元率,收录10位元4:2:2或4:4:4 RGB格式的录影内容,及数据传输率约600Mbit/s[2]。增加了的位元率(高过HDCAM)容许HDCAM SR去收录更多全频HD-SDI讯号(1920×1080)。有些HDCAM SR录影机更可用两倍模式去收录高达880 Mbit/s的录像位元率,容许同时以更低压缩率的单条4:4:4影像流或两条4:2:2影像流被收录[2]。HDCAM SR使用MPEG-4 Part 2 Simple Studio Profile规格压缩[1],及扩展音讯声道至十二条,同样以48 kHz/24-bit格式收录。
  HDCAM SR常用在高清电视制作。至2007年,很多黄金时间电视节目都用HDCAM SR作母带格式[来源请求]。
  有些HDCAM SR录影机可播放旧的Betacam各种格式录像带,例如Sony SRW-5500 HDCAM SR录影机,可播放及录影HDCAM及HDCAM SR录像带,加上附加元件可播放及增线Digital Betacam录像带至高清格式。和Digital Betacam一样,小型影带长度至40分钟,大型影带则124分钟,在24p模式时更可分别增加至50及155分钟。
  HDCAM录像带是黑身橙盖,及HDCAM SR录像带是黑身青色盖。
  440 Mbit/s模式又知为SQ模式,880 Mbit/s模式则为HQ模式,如手提机有提供一样,这些模式最近也有在录影厂型号提供(例如型号SRW-5800)。2008年,型号SRW-5800都有HQ 4:4:4模式选择。



  ioc ["ai"əu"si]
  abbr.International Olympic Committee 国际奥林匹克委员会(=CIO);
  1. 输入输出控制器:NI日前宣布,NI LabVIEW图形化系统设计(GSD)平台,将可整合Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System(EPICS)输入/输出控制器(IOC),用以控制...前言:无论产、学界菁英,似乎都曾有过类似论述,亦即导入企业资源规划(ERP)系统,
  2. 国际奥委会:[[1996年]][[亚特兰大]]奥运会完结之后,当时WTF的总裁[[金云龙]]成为了[[国际奥委会]](IOC)的副会长,随即宣布跆拳道将会在下一届(即[[2000年]]的悉尼奥运会)成为正式的比赛项目,事后又被发现悉尼奥运会时裁判有不公平裁决.
  3. 国际奥林匹克委员会:由於近年来,[[国际奥林匹克委员会]](IOC)对於日渐增多的夏季奥运会比赛项目,产生「奥运瘦身」的提议,於是出现了削减某些运动项目的构想. 因此,[[2012年]]在伦敦举行的第三十届奥运会,[[棒球]]
  4. ioc:integrated optical circuits; 集成光路
  5. ioc:invertion of control; 控制反转
  6. ioc:intergovernmental oceanographic commission; 政府间海洋学委员会
  7. ioc:the international olympic committee; 国际奥林匹克委员会
  1. Hong Kong will submit a bid document to the IOC by Feb 28.
  2. " I was surprised by the one round victory, " IOC President Jacques Rogge told The Associated Press.
  3. He noted this is the first meeting in Africa of the IOC general assembly since its session in Cairo more than 70 years ago.
  4. The unprecedented policy is to guarantee that the IOC and its affiliated bodies have enough money to continue operations in the event of a cancellation.
  5. The IOC reanalyzed a total of 948 samples from Beijing after new lab tests for CERA and insulin became available following the Olympics.
  6. " It"s a matter for the organizers, " IOC spokesman Mark Adams said.
  7. IOC spokesman Mark Adams defended the organization and Rogge, saying that it recognizes the deaths as a dark time for the Olympics.
  8. Adams said IOC is in the process of establishing a new commission to investigate the role of an athlete"s entourage in cases of doping.
  9. " The CGA would follow the IOC decision, " he added.
  1. To date, 11 IOC worldwide partners have come on board with financial and service support.
  2. This is a total disgrace that the IOC would even think of giving the games to a war loving nation like Great Briton.
  3. Before 1949, the Liberation of China, three Chinese were elected as IOC members.
  4. Golf and rugby in August under the guidance of the Rogge was elected as the IOC Olympic Games Executive Committee of the candidate projects, and as the cost of another five sports baseball, softball, squash, karate and roller rejected the outside the Olympic Games.
  5. The Olympic Charter is the codification of the Fundamental Principles, Rules and Bye-laws adopted by the IOC.
  6. SMART System is a new intelligent information management system of on-line examine. It uses the JAVA technology in language, uses the MVC in framework, and uses the IOC antilogy of Spring and ORM technology in its operation framework. The system mainly implements the on-line examination and evaluation of students, and the teachers management and maintenance of students examination information on-line as well.
  SMART系统是一个在语言上采用跨平台的 JAVA技术、在框架架构上采用流行的MVC架构、在业务架构中采用Spring的IOC思想和ORM技术的一个新型智能在线考试信息管理系统,该系统主要实现了学生在线考试与评估以及教师对学生在线考试信息的管理和维护。
  7. It is learnt that the pre BOCOG from Beijing University recruited 16 of the 3, 745 guests and language services, accompanied by volunteers, the North, there are 1, 558, accounting for 42 per cent of which members of the IOC, international individual events Chairman of the Committee (Secretary-General), and other honored guests, accompanied by translation, the so-called IOC volunteers, the school has 588, 730 of the total number of 81%.
  8. That prompted IOC vice-president Vitaly Smirnov to intervene, writing to Ms Joly on his IOCheaded notepaper demanding his old friend`s release.

