

考场英语作文 时间:2010-02-10



  at last
  in the end
  They finally got the anchor up and set sail.
  他们终于起锚扬帆。She finally managed to say with a slither of voice.
  她终于说了滑音。In the long run; in the long term
  从长远的观点来看;终于At length
  终于,最后;详细地Eventually the fire was under control.
  火势终于被控制住了。The political tempest finally subsided.
  这场政治风暴终于平息了。They eventually came to the small town?
  他们终于抵达那个小镇。His repression broke out.
  他的压抑终于爆发了。At last, we entered(joined) the World Trade Organization.
  终于,我们进入了世贸组织Chen Xiang finally got his mother back by cleaving through the Huashan Mountain.
  n. 最后部分,末端,尽头;终止;结局;死亡;目的;一端,一方;部分
  v. 结束,终止
  adj. 最后的,最终的
  Is the conference ended?
  会谈结束了吗?To join or be joined end to end;abut.
  首尾相连在末端相连或毗连;邻接 Tie this end to the pole but leave the other end free.
  将这一端系在柱子上,让另一端松开著。 finally是什么意思:
  adv. 最后,终于;决定性地
  This is the final paper.
  这是最后一版的报纸。The book can finally be published after revision and finalization.
  经过删定,这本书终于可以出版了。He finally surfaced at midday.
  adv. 终于,最后
  Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.
  这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破。 Eventually the fire was under control.
  火势终于被控制住了。Their efforts eventually bear fruit.


  英 [ˈrɪdʒɪd] 美 [ˈrɪdʒɪd]
  比较级:more rigid最高级:most rigid
  形容词 僵硬的; 严格的; (规则、方法等)死板的; 刚硬的,顽固的
  1. The new recruits are not used to the rigid disciplines of the army.
  2. He is very rigid in his ideas.
  3. The support for the tent is rigid.
  1. Standard Chartered has never ruled out the possibility of buying another domestic bank if it can meet the bank"s rigid strategic and financial standards.
  2. " Waiting for Godot " itself has outgrown attempts at definition by literary analysis or rigid pigeonholing.
  3. Fanfan was raised by her stern and dour grandmother, who schooled her in the rigid etiquette of the Manchus.
  4. Without bold action on such national policies as the rigid residence registration system, we anticipate no major breakthrough in the way our " floating population " is managed.
  5. Until a rigid hukou system was imposed in Shanghai in 1958 to control the population, the city had welcomed immigrants for more than a century.
  6. It was only after the Industrial Revolution that political and social change finally broke down the West"s own rigidideas of hierarchy.
  7. Honduras is promoting the cigar industry in search of new markets, but also imposed a rigid law on smokers that virtually only allows lighting up outdoors.
  8. Clearance rates are a rigid gauge of staff or department performance that make police eager to be seen as solving cases.
  9. But they collectively constitute something of an enigma as their desires and aspirations remain submerged in therigid conformity of the Chinese market place.
  1. (法律、制度或体系)严格的,刻板的,不可变更的
  Laws, rules, or systems that are rigid cannot be changed or varied, and are therefore considered to be rather severe.
  e.g. Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct...
  e.g. Hospital routines for nurses are very rigid.
  2. 固执的;顽固的;刻板的
  If you disapprove of someone because you think they are not willing to change their way of thinking or behaving, you can describe them as rigid .
  e.g. She was a fairly rigid person who had strong religious views...
  e.g. My father is very rigid in his thinking.
  3. 坚硬的;刚性的;不易弯曲的
  A rigid substance or object is stiff and does not bend, stretch, or twist easily.
  e.g. ...rigid plastic containers...
  e.g. These plates are fairly rigid.
  4. (常因震惊或害怕)身体僵直的,不能动弹的,呆住的
  If someone goes rigid, their body becomes very straight and stiff, usually as a result of shock or fear.
  e.g. I went rigid with shock...


  英 [wel] 美 [wɛl]
  副词 好; 很; 好意地; 高高兴兴地
  形容词 良好的; 井的; 健康的; 恰当的
  名词 泉; 源泉; 水井
  不及物动词 (液体)涌出; 流出; 涌流; 涌上
  及物动词 涌出,喷出
  1. Examine the account well before you pay it.
  2. He must be well over fifty.
  1. The company has done well in Shanghai and is very confident about business in Beijing, as company leaders say Zara has earned potent brand recognition in the market.
  2. The way we"ve done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.
  3. Anzhen has been performing well in consecutive years and Wangjing is expected to commence business by end of this year.
  4. The goal of the park is to form a sports leisure and entertainment center, as well as a sports business exchange center.
  5. The system will include information on companies doing business within China, as well as investment and other information.
  6. Insiders indicated that VW and Toyota were already well prepared to launch similar auto loan business.
  7. " He doesn"t know the business well, " said the older man.
  8. Capital lays idle, and a prime business opportunity may well slip away.
  9. Some people believe the practice challenges the wit of the regulators as well as the conscience of a business person.
  1. (用于表示谈话结束)好吧,好了
  You say well to indicate that you have reached the end of a conversation.
  e.g. "I"m sure you will be an asset," she finally added. "Well, I see it"s just about time for lunch."...
  e.g. Well, thank you for speaking with us.
  2. (用于委婉地提出建议、批评、更正等)那么,嗯
  You say well to make a suggestion, criticism, or correction seem less definite or rude.
  e.g. Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem...
  e.g. Well, let"s wait and see...
  3. (用于停顿之前或之后,尤为给自己留出思考的时间)嗯,唔
  You say well just before or after you pause, especially to give yourself time to think about what you are going to say.
  e.g. Look, I"m really sorry I woke you, and, well, I just wanted to tell you I was all right.
  4. (用于更正刚说过的话)噢
  You say well when you are correcting something that you have just said.
  e.g. The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it. Well, our offspring are, anyway...
  e.g. There was a note. Well, not really a note.
  5. (用于对他人所说的话表示怀疑)哦
  You say well to express your doubt about something that someone has said.
  e.g. "But finance is far more serious." — "Well I don"t know really."
  e.g. "Go on, Dennis." — "Well, if you"re sure."

