

感动 时间:2010-03-09



  1. A new day has come
  2. Stick with you
  3. Umbrella
  4. Stand
  5. Whenever you call
  6. O holy night
  7. Lonely
  8. Take a bow
  9. Tell me why
  10. Superstar
  感人的英文歌曲:All Good Things
  All Good Things
  honestly what will become of me
  don"t like reality
  it"s way too clear to me
  but really life is dandy
  we are what we don"t see
  missed everything daydreaming
  flames to dust
  lovers to friends
  why do all good things come to an end
  flames to dust
  lovers to friends
  why do all good things come to an end
  come to an end come to an
  why do all good things come to end?
  come to an end come to an
  why do all good things come to an end?
  traveling i only stop at exits
  wondering if i"ll stay
  young and restless
  living this way i stress less
  i want to pull away when the dream dies
  the pain sets it and i don"t cry
  i only feel gravity and i wonder why
  flames to dust
  lovers to friends
  why do all good things come to an end
  flames to dust
  lovers to friends
  why do all good things come to an end
  come to an end come to an
  why do all good things come to end?
  come to an end come to an
  why do all good things come to an end?
  well the dogs were whistling a new tune
  barking at the new moon
  hoping it would come soon so that they could
  dogs were whistling a new tune
  barking at the new moon
  hoping it would come soon so that they could
  die die die die die
  flames to dust
  lovers to friends
  why do all good things come to an end
  flames to dust
  lovers to friends
  why do all good things come to an end
  come to an end come to an
  why do all good things come to end?
  come to an end come to an
  why do all good things come to an end?
  well the dogs were barking at a new moon
  whistling a new tune
  hoping it would come soon
  and the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day "til the feeling went away
  and the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and
  the rain forgot how to bring salvation
  the dogs were barking at the new moon
  whistling a new tune
  hoping it would come soon so that they could die.
  感人的英文歌曲:Mad, Sexy, Cool
  baby, oh yeah
  baby, oh yeah
  You don"t ever bring no drama to the game
  and my drama don"t be scaring you away
  you dont ever talk to much
  exactly just enough
  you know how and when and where and what to say
  it aint like i gotta tell you your so fine (your so fine)
  you been gettin complements since you was nine (damn)
  its like your perfect (...)
  a dimond in the rough
  I knows you give me nothin but love (love)
  You are such a mad sexy cool girl
  how does someone turn into you girl
  how do you explain
  what you do
  what you say
  how you be
  how you play
  how you love
  how your constantly the same
  how you give
  never hate
  and you dont ever change
  be consistantly that way
  your a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you that way
  baby, oohhhhh
  you be ruling with a certain shade of cool (shade of cool)
  i dont know no body half as fresh as you
  i be checkin your behaviour
  oh baby you got so much flavour
  sometimes i wanna call you juicy fruit (juicy)
  it aint like i gotta tell you your a star (your a star)
  you be shining and be sparkling in the dark
  girl you so perfect (...)
  you my dimond in the rough
  i know you give me nothin else by love
  You are such a mad sexy cool girl
  how does someone turn into you girl
  how do you explain
  what you do
  what you say
  how you be
  how you play
  how you love
  how your constantly the same
  how you give
  never hate
  and you dont ever change
  be consistantly that way
  your a mad sexy cool girl, and i love you the same
  (baby) how does someone
  so beautiful
  so approachable
  none so adourable
  (baby) guess your my kinda wonderful
  my dream come true
  You are such a mad sexy cool girl (sexy cool girl)
  how does someone turn into you girl (into you girl)
  how do you explain
  what you do
  what you say
  how you be
  how you play
  how you love
  how your constantly the same
  how you give
  never hate
  and you dont ever change
  be consistantly that way
  your a mad sexy cool girl
  You are such a mad sexy cool girl (ohh baby yes you are)
  how does someone turn into you girl (turn into you)
  how do you explain
  what you do
  what you say
  how you be
  how you play (ooohh)
  how you love
  how your constantly the same
  how you give
  never hate
  and you dont ever change (never change)
  be consistantly that way
  your a mad sexy cool girl
  (Your a mad sexy cool girl)
  baby (fade out)
  how does someone turn into you girl
  how do you explain
  what you do
  how you be
  how you play
  how you love
  how your constantly the same


  1、张智成《the key of love》 公益性质:对智障人士的关怀
  《the key of love》表达的是对身心障碍,老人失智症人士的一种关怀与鼓励。作品旋律流畅,张智成的声音充满了爱。
  2、林俊杰/何耀珊《信心旅行》 公益性质:励志
  3、徐杨《爱的天空》 公益性质:关注留守儿童
  4、萧敬腾《给·爱人》 公益性质:爱的力量
  5、《温暖》阿Ben 公益性质:弱势群体
  6、李玟《byob》 公益性质:环保问题
  《byob》是“bring your own bag”的英文缩小,同时这也是一首作为“世界地球日”的主题曲而进行宣传的作品。风格上走的是大流行的风格,特色不是很明显,不过词作上尽显了东方韵味,成为作品的一大亮点。
  7、容祖儿《乌贼》 公益性质:禁烟
  8、谭咏麟《上善如水》 公益性质:励志
  9、群星《活力·闪耀》 公益性质:世博公益
  由华谊兄弟为2010年上海世博会倾力打造的公益歌曲《活力·闪耀》 MV近日炫目出炉,其中华谊近百明星参与了此次MV拍摄。《活力·闪耀》MV的拍摄汇集了华谊旗下的众多明星,强大的明星阵容、温馨的拍摄画面与世博的紧密结合,使这支MV在开拍的整个过程中都受到了不少关注。这首MV是华谊群星共同努力的成果,众艺人纷纷表示,“音乐在悄悄地表达和谐,参与亦是一种境界。能为世博唱首歌是我们每个人的心愿,每个人虽然只有一句,但是能参与其中就很满足和快乐了。”
  10、群星《我们的生活充满阳光》 公益性质:爱心事业


  Tears in heaven——Eric Clapton
  1991年3月20日,就在Eric Clapton的46岁生日前夕,他最疼爱的年仅四岁的儿子Connor由于意外而不幸夭折。Eric Clapton陷入了非常巨大的痛苦之中,万念俱灰的他创作了令人伤心欲绝的经典单曲,但是此后数年的时间里,他都没有再进入录音室录制专辑。次年1月这首歌入选了电影《Rush》的原声,这首单曲成为了美国那一年最具轰动影响的单曲。
  Dance With My Father——Luther
  Luther在他50多岁时创作了,作为给父亲的纪念。这首歌曲是Luther Vandross自己真实的故事,关于一个7岁孩子的记忆:有一点点忧伤渗透着,但更多的还是那些遥远而温暖的回忆,Luther在歌曲中倾注了自己对父亲深深的怀念,淡淡的钢琴伴奏和他伤感的演唱,透露了无尽的爱意与伤感。此曲获第46届格莱美音乐的年度最佳歌曲。
  Love, Me——Collin Raye
  There Were Roses——Cara Dillon
  Cara Dillon的歌曲是一次的成功的翻唱,原作是爱尔兰现代民谣歌手Tommy Sands,故事的背景是在70年代末期的北爱尔兰,那个时候是爱尔兰共和军最为活跃的时代,为了将北爱从英国分裂出去,而制造了一系列流血事件,支持英国的新教教徒和支持爱尔兰的天主教徒严重对立,Tommy Sands的一个属于新教的朋友被天主教徒谋杀,而作为平衡,这个朋友的一个新教徒朋友,同时也是Tommy Sands的朋友,被新教徒报复杀害,两个年轻人成为了仇恨的牺牲品而毫无意义的被剥夺了生命。
  Cara Dillon成功的翻唱了这首曲子,并将呼唤和平的心声传入了每个听者的思绪。
  Seasons In The Sun——Westlife
  事实上,绝对不是一首愉快的曲子,甚至是十分的伤感。它是一位法国歌手Jacques Brel的作品,原名叫做(将死的人),发表于1961年。歌曲的内容描述一个罹患癌症、不久于人世的男子,在面临死亡的时候,对父亲、妻子以及挚友的依依难舍的告别。
  Through the Rain——Mariah Carey
  是为Mariah Carey为父母的情感经历所创作的一首励志歌曲。玛丽亚·凯莉的母亲是白人贵族,父亲是黑人。在当时的社会背景下,他们这段浪漫的婚姻是不被允许的,所以在结婚前,玛丽亚·凯莉的家族长辈一直反对,最后在一次激烈的争吵中,玛丽亚·凯莉的母亲被迫离开家门。婚后的生活,因为没有来自家庭的支柱,玛丽亚的父亲又比较贫穷,在这样的情况下,她的父母还是把她一步步培养成世界天后。所以写下这首歌曲,玛丽亚抱着对父母的感激与支持,鼓励了别人要用于战胜困难,争取幸福
  Wake Me Up When September Ends——Green Day
  这首歌曲源于美国的一个真实故事:故事的主人公Evan Rachel Wood和Jamie Bell是一对情侣。和所有的情侣一样,他们相爱并幸福的生活着,都有着自己将来的梦想。但是有一天战争打响了,Jamie应征去伊拉克,弥漫的硝烟,无情的战火,吞噬了Jamie的生命,没远在美国的Evan听到了噩耗,失声痛哭,而她每每去墓地看望他的时嘴里都喃喃道:"I love you so much … How can you do this? I"m never gonna leave you."
  What Are Words——Chris Medina
  Chris Medina曾经是一件咖啡厅的服务员。20XX年12月12日,他向和他相恋8年的女孩Juliana提出订婚。20XX年10月2日,订婚后两年,那个美丽的女孩因为车祸事故,脑部受到重创,康复后智力只有2岁,生活完全不能够自理。但Chris不离不弃。依然选择了和她结婚。后来Chris参加了美国的选秀节目,为的就是想赚到更多的钱让妻子受到更好的治疗,过上更好的生活,这首因其故事制作的歌因此感动了很多人。
  Temporary Home——Carrie Underwood
  Travelin" Soldier——Dixie Chicks
  感人的英文歌:I Drove All Night
  I had to escape
  The city was sticky and cruel
  Maybe I should have called you first
  But I was dying to get to you
  I was dreaming while I drove
  The long straight road ahead, uh, huh
  Could taste your sweet kisses
  Your arms open wide
  This fever for you is just burning me up inside
  I drove all night to get to you
  Is that alright
  I drove all night
  Crept in your room
  Woke you from your sleep
  To make love to you
  Is that alright
  I drove all night
  What in this world
  Keeps us from tearing apart
  No matter where I go I hear
  The beating of our one heart
  I think about you
  When the night is cold and dark, uh, huh
  No one can move me
  The way that you do
  Nothing erases the feeling between me and you
  I drove all night to get to you
  Is that alright
  I drove all night
  Crept in your room
  Woke you from your sleep
  To make love to you
  Is that alright
  I drove all night
  Could taste your sweet kisses
  Your arms open wide
  This fever for you is just burning me up inside
  I drove all night to get to you
  Is that alright
  I drove all night
  Crept in your room
  Is that alright
  I drove all night
  I drove all night to get to you
  Is that alright
  I drove all night
  Crept in your room
  Woke you from your sleep
  I hear the ticking of the clock
  I"m lying here the room"s pitch dark
  I wonder where you are tonight
  No answer on the telephone
  And the night goes by so very slow
  Oh I hope that it won"t end though
  Till now I always got by on my own
  I never really cared until I met you
  And now it chills me to the bone
  How do I get you alone
  You don"t know how long I have wanted
  To touch your lips and hold you tight, oh
  You don"t know how long I have waited
  And I was going to tell you tonight
  But the secret is still my own
  And my love for you is still unknown
  Till now I always got by on my own
  I never really cared until I met you
  And now it chills me to the bone
  How do I get you alone
  How do I get you alone
  How do I get you alone
  How do I get you alone

