

高二作文 时间:2012-01-20



  Unit 12
  Part A Short Conversations
  Directions:In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the three or four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
  ( )1. A. A movie. B. A lecture. C. A play. D. A speech.
  ( )2. A. 100 yuan.
  B. 60 yuan.
  C. 140 yuan.
  D. 200 yuan.
  ( )3. A. At the police station.
  B. At a stranger’s house.
  C. At the gas station.
  D. At a nearby supermarket.
  ( )4. A. He wants to take photos.
  B. He wants to scan his machine to see if there is something wrong.
  C. He wants to make an e-album.
  D. He wants to learn how to operate his computer.
  ( )5. A. The end of winter and the beginning of spring.
  B. The end of the year.
  C. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
  D. The end of autumn and the beginning of winter.
  ( ) 6. A. Chemistry.
  B. Physics.
  C. Philosophy.
  D. P.E.
  ( ) 7. A. She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.
  B. She doesn’t mind driving as the road conditions are good.
  C. She is unhappy to drive such a long way every day.
  D. She enjoys it because she’s good at driving.
  ( ) 8. A. Boss and secretary.
  B. Teacher and student.
  C. Sales boy and customer.
  D. Driver and passenger.
  ( ) 9. A. She said Peter was a boy of few words.
  B. She’s joking with Peter.
  C. Peter will get a computer from her.
  D. She has never said anything.
  ( )10. A. She is spending time going over.
  B. She is going home for only a few days.
  C. She is excited about going home.
  D. She is counting the number of vacation days.
  Part B Passagess
  Directions:In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
  Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
  ( )11. A. Last night.
  B. At the age of 20.
  C. At the age of 9.
  D. A couple of weeks ago.
  ( )12. A. Because she liked it at their age.
  B. Because it was a story about animals.
  C. Because it was a fun story.
  D. Because it was a Disney film.
  ( )13. A. Romeo and Juliet.
  B. A love story between two dogs.
  C. Different lives of two dogs.
  D. Children and dogs.
  Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
  ( )14. A. Because he wanted her to know how rich he was.
  B. Because he wanted her to know how much he liked her.
  C. Because he wanted her to learn how to dance.
  D. Because he wanted her to love everything she saw.
  ( )15. A. Because he didn’t have a wonderful meal.
  B. Because he asked the waiter to bring him a glass of iced-water.
  C. Because he was frightened to see the bill.
  D. Because he had danced the whole evening.
  ( )16. A. Because he thought the young man wasn’t well and needed help.
  B. Because he thought the young man wanted one more drink.
  C. Because he thought the young man had cheated him.
  D. Because the young man wanted him to do so.
  Part C Longer Conversation
  Directions:In Part C, you will hear one longer conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fulfill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
  Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
  Why doesn’t the lady like to see the first two movies mentioned?
  Because the movies are either(17)______.
  Where do they decide to go?
  They’ll go to(18)______.
  Which show are they going to see?
  What will they do after the show?
  They’ll go to nearby(20)______ for dinner.
  Complete the form. Write no more than THREE WORDS for each answer.
  Part D Listen and Repeat(重点词组与句型结构)
  Directions:In Part D, you will hear five sentences. While listening, take some notes to help you. The sentences will be read twice. After you have heard each sentence, repeat it.


  1.注意区分和模仿正确的语音、语调 在英语里有不少读音相近,但意思却截然不同的词汇,象cure[kjue](医愈)和 kill[kill](杀死),menu(菜单)和manure(肥料)等。设想如果有一个医生想说:"I"ll cure you."(我要治好你的病。)却因发音不好,说成:"I"ll kill you."(我要杀死你。)那病人会吓成什么样子。又比如,有人对你说:" I am thirty.My wife is thirty,too."而你听到的却是:" I am dirty. My wife is dirty,too."你一定会莫名其妙。实际上,所差之外就是一个音素。因此,我们从一开始就 要注意区分和模仿正确的语音,语调。在这个基础上提高听、说,才能收到良好效果。
  2.创造一定的听、说环境 听、说是一种语言交流,没有一个外语环境或一定的听、说条件,只靠单枪匹马很难收效 。当然,现代科学为我们提供了录音机这一工具,我们可以把课文,对话和中外成品磁带 录制下来反复听和模仿。还可以把自己的口头作文和复述录下来,仔细审听,发现问题, 及时纠正。但是,在自 然条件下,听与说是不能分的。一个人听的过程实际是另一个人说的过程。如果有条件的 话,最好能把自学的伙伴组织起来,定期开展会话活动,或利用社会上,公园中提供的" 外语之角"等条件,既练了说,又练了听,在实际的语言环境中练习,才能取得长足的进 步。
  3.要有不怕听错,说错,不断苦练的精神 练习听、说的学习者,特别是成年人,往往必听错、说错,不敢主支张口练习。然而,语 言是一种习惯,没有反复的操练和实践难以产生熟练的技巧。会话重在达意,只要达到交 流思想的目的,这种听、说实践就应该说是基本成功的。出了错,注意总结经验,自学改正就是了。
  这个阶段适合初学者。在学完字母及一些简单句型和词汇后即可开始。一般 可以进行三各听力练习:
  1)句型练习: 做这项练习时,可以把句型、词汇及语法三项结合起来。这方面有不少 国内外出版的句型练习教科书及录音带,如:《英语九百句》(English 900)和《情景对 话》(Situational Dialogues),邓炎昌编的《英语会话五十题》和邓荣成编译的《实用英语问答》等。这些 课本编排比较科学,由浅入深,循序渐进,照顾到生活常用词汇和句型,耐用做到了关键 句型反复出现。配合课本录制的磁带质量也很好,几乎都包括速度较慢的跟读和重复练习 。
  2)浅显易懂的英语小故事:听小故事也是这一阶段听力训练的重要步骤。如《罗宾汉的 故事》(GRIMM"S TALES),<<伊索寓言>>(AESOP"S FABLES)等。<<新概念英语>>第一二册等的也可采用。听故事旨在听懂大意,锻炼把前后内 的英语书面符号同声音结合起来。
  3)中外录制的教科书课文:中外出版的一些英语教科书如:许国璋主编的《英语》统编教 材一到四册,周珊凤,张祥保主编的《大学英语》,英国朗曼公司出版的《基础英语》( ESSENTIAL ENGLISH )及美国麦希尔公司出版的>今日英语>(ENGLISH FOR TODAY)等,内容丰富,课文有相当的长度和难度。如果学习时配合听课文录音,或先听后读` 或学了之后再听,都可以达到从声音入手反复熟悉课文的目的,既学了课文,又练了听力。
  最后,在入门阶段,尽管掌握的英语不多,还是应该努力把听和说结合起来,积极利用学过的 内容,组织自学伙伴,开展对话。有条件的话,争取能听听中外籍人士用英语介绍生活,学习 或英,美情况的小报告,即使兴能勉强听懂一部分也应尝试。
  这一阶段仍属基础学习阶段。主要任务是扩大,加深和巩固入门阶段所学成果 ,可以从以下几方面进行训练习:
  1)继续听句型练习和小故事:这一阶段要注意通过时间较长,难度较大,语言现象较复杂的 听力材料来继续解决语音,词汇和语法这三方面的问题。如果仍沿用入门阶段的句型练习 材料,就要加大单位时间听力材料的数量,并争取在回答或重复时提高自己的准确度。总之 ,应在材料难度及反应速 度方面下功夫。 在听小故事方面可听《如此故事》(WHAT A STORY)一类的成品录音带。其特 点是在录制故事时,有意识地安排了好几个人插话,提问,以中断某人叙述的方式来进行 一些意见交流,这也可算作情景对话,得同简单的问答式对话大不相同,它更接近真实生 活,也更自然。
  3)开始收听北京电台对外广播:电台的英语涉及政治、经济、文化等各方面内容,语言比较规范,播音员语音、语调又是楷模,因此听英语广播是学习英语的极好途径。北京电台(Radil Beijing)收听方便,每日内容更新,多数是有关我国各方面发展的消息。由于学习者熟悉这 些内容,这就降低了听力难度,所以对听力刚刚入门的人来说是比较合适的。在这一阶段, 听的重点应是北京电台对外的新闻广播、国际形势分析及一些文化评论。听时要摸索新闻 广播的一般规律,注意培养听新闻的一些基本技巧和方法。如果一开始感到困难,可以采取以下两个辅助办法, 即在听广播之前阅读《北京周报》(BEIJING REVIEW),《中国日报》(CHINA DAILY)或《 新华电讯稿》(XIN-HUA NEWS BULLETIN)有关文章。这样,在内容和词汇有一定准备的情况下,听英语广播就会容易得多 。另外,可以把新闻和评论录制下来,反复精听,逐句推敲。这也是抽调听力的一个委好训 练方法。 在这一阶段,仍应进行听说配合的群练,做口头作文,沁报告等等,并开展力扫能及的讨论。


  Presidential Election Campaigning Underway in Iowa
  Although the November 2016 presidential election is over a year and half away, campaigning to choose party nominees is already underway in Iowa - a key state because it holds a party caucus early in the election season.
  Though Cedar Falls, Iowa has a population just over 40,000, right now it is the epicenter of the race for the White House. Republican party presidential hopefuls are pressing the flesh (shaking hands with people) and answering voters" questions on issues ranging from immigration reform to marriage equality.
  “My biggest concern as a voter is that America has to come back to God," said Linda Morris.
  Republican voter Linda Morris was among a group attending a breakfast with candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
  “We have gone down the wrong path for the last eight years," she said.
  Conservative voter Curtis Bartlett agrees. He wants a president that can reverse escalating racial tensions in America.
  “I don’t understand why whites and blacks can’t get together and sit down and talk over what one person wants, the other person wants too," said Bartlett.
  Bartlett’s list of concerns also includes the debate over same-sex marriage.
  It’s an issue that attracted dozens of protestors outside Cedar Falls High School. Inside, Huckabee joined fellow presidential hopeful former Senator Rick Santorum on stage to speak with conservative voters who oppose same-sex marriage.
  “I don’t think it’s that big of an issue," said Lynn Brant.
  As a Democrat, Lynn Brant supports same-sex marriage. In his party, the leading presidential contender is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also visited Cedar Falls to interact with potential supporters.
  “It looks like Hillary might be a shoo-in, but I hope not. I hope that there is a debate that she will have to defend herself and the Democrats will have a choice," said Brant.
  Iowa matters for these candidates because it is the first state to hold an election, called a caucus. The results can either boost or sink aspirations for the White House early in an election year depending on who wins or loses.
  For Republicans this year, Iowa is the place where they can build name recognition and momentum ahead of the caucus. But the growing field of candidates all vying for attention and campaign funding concerns Curtis Bartlett.
  “Because are you going to wipe out somebody who could be a good candidate right away because they can’t get the finances?" Asked Bartlett.
  More finances means more advertising, and in an election expected to break all previous records for money spent, every dollar counts.
  用作形容词 (adj.)
  The evidence has no immediate bearing on the case.
  Today"s immediate problem is one of distribution of both food and income.
  用作名词 (n.)
  This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.
  It was a tragedy that she died so young.
  用作名词 (n.)
  The knife cut the flesh of his arm.
  用作动词 (v.)
  Examples were used to flesh out the skeleton of the argument.
  用作形容词 (adj.)
  New economic development policies led to substantial and rapid growth.
  Substantial profits accrue when sales take off.
  用作名词 (n.)
  He made several favorable comments about their candidate.
  Most candidates passed in grammar.
  用作形容词 (adj.)
  She is such a sophisticated woman that she saw through his trick at the first sight.
  The publisher"s techniques for the promotion of his books have become increasingly sophisticated since the 1950s.
  用作动词 (v.)
  It was courageous of him to oppose his chief.
  We"re firmly opposed to the practice of powerpolitics between nations.

